ANNOUNCING: How to Make More Money
After the Sale of Commercial Property!
Dear Friend,
Are you a licensed commercial or residential broker in Oregon? Could you use an extra “commission check” of $10,000? I’m writing today to share information about Pikes Northwest Commercial Property Management’s lucrative client referral program.
Imagine: You sell a commercial property and collect your commission, right? What if you continued to get paid month after month once that sale closes and the commission income is long gone?
That’s always been the rough part about commissioned sales – you’re only as good and well-off financially as your last sale! But it doesn’t have to be that way any longer…
Announcing Pikes Northwest Commercial
Property Management’s Referral Program!
Pikes Northwest Commercial Property Management has two ways licensed Oregon brokers can earn additional, even ongoing revenue from their efforts. As a licensed broker, you can earn cash from Pikes Northwest in two ways:
- “Refer-a-Lead” program; or, leveraging our
- “Refer-a-Client” program
That’s right, there are two ways you can now earn additional income as a licensed Oregon real estate broker.
Here’s how and the details of each:
Most referral programs only pay if your referral ends up signing an agreement. Here at PNW, for every lead you refer, we track those leads and send you $50 for each and every lead. It’s simple and straight-forward.
Yes, $50 for just sending us a lead. We will even provide you a few simple-to-use tools to make this part easy – brain-dead simple in fact! To get started, just sign up for our program using the enclosed Referral Program Registration Form.
But wait… there’s more!
How Fast Can You Earn An Extra
$1,000 to $10,000 or More Per Month?
An extra $500 or $1,000 is great, right…but, what if you could make even more? What if you could earn $2,500 to $10,000 and up? Here’s how with our client referral program!
For every commercial property management client, you refer to PNW, you actually get paid twice!
First, you receive $50 for the lead. Next, we track those leads who turn into clients and send you either 100% of their first-month’s management fee (Option 1) or, a monthly payment of 10% of Pikes Northwest’s earned management fee for 12 full months (Option 2 – best deal). Your choice!
This is a great way to build an ongoing revenue stream for which you do nothing but refer!
For example, if you chose Option 2, 10% of our management fee for 12 months, and you refer a property with a gross rental income of $1,000,000 in the first 12 months and our fee is 5% for management, you’d earn $5,000 over 12 months or, $416.67 per month*…just for referring!
Can you see just how fast the cash stacks up and all you have to do is just refer clients! That’s it! This truly could be the easiest money you’ll make in real estate! Maybe in your entire career! What will you do with your extra $5,000 to $10,000 or more!
Ready to get started? Just sign up for our program using the enclosed Referral Program Registration Form
* Example only. Not a promise of future earnings. OPTION 1 calculation: $83,333 x 5% = $4166.67 * 10% = $4166.65 OPTION 2 calculation: $83,333 x 5% = $4,166.65 x 10% = $416.67/month x 12 months = $5,000.00. You could earn $4,166.65 with Option 1 or $5,000 over 12 months with Option 2!
Look, I understand if you’re skeptical. I get it. However, in this case, you’re working with a locally owned company with an already-incredible property portfolio under management, and with a great reputation of providing excellent service!
No doubt you have some questions. Here is a short Q&A to answer some of those questions:
FAQs: Pikes Northwest’s Broker Referral Program
- Do you accept residential properties? PNW is a commercial property management company and we work exclusively with commercial property owners – most of whom own Class A properties. Unfortunately, we cannot accept residential referrals at this time.
- Can I refer ANY commercial property to you and get paid? PNW reserves the right to accept referrals that are consistent with its current properties under management..
- Am I guaranteed acceptance as a referring broker? PNW reserves the right to approve referring Brokers.
- How long will your referral program last? PNW has no future plans to cancel or end our referral program. However, PNW reserves the right to cancel this program at any time with 30 days’ notice. Rest assured, any unearned but due referral fees will be paid.
- How are commissions earned? Referral commissions for our Refer-a-Lead program are paid within 14 days upon PNW receiving a lead notice. Commissions for our “Refer-a-Client” program are due and payable by the 10th of each month for the previous month.
- What other rules are there? PNW and its referring brokers agree to abide by the Golden Rule. Broker agrees to remain an active Oregon licensee in order to continue to receive commissions.
- How do I know my referrals will be handled with the best possible outcome and care? For over 15 years, we’ve serviced many of Salem’s finest Class A properties successfully for both owners and tenants. Our reputation remains consistently excellent and our attention to detail, the best possible. We manage properties as if they were our own and live by a simple motto: On time and to the penny.
Ready to take the next steps?
If you would like to register for our Broker Referral Program, simply fill out the registration form below. We’ll review your request and contact you shortly.
Once approved, you’ll be all set to start earning an additional revenue stream… just for referring and recommending a service the vast majority of commercial property owners need or want.
Let’s get you set up and started earning additional revenue – by simply referring your clients to Pikes Northwest for commercial property management!
Imagine… in just 3 to 6 months, you could have a significant income stream coming in with no additional work on your part. What will you do with your extra few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month coming in? What if you were able to just stuff that away for a rainy day? Or, bulk up your IRA or 401-k account that’s been hammered recently?
Sign up today! Just submit the form below. It’s that easy to get started. Questions? Just contact me today.
Jerry A. Jones, Broker/Owner
Pikes Northwest, Inc
Phone: 503-588-3586
PS. We honor your client relationships. We’re interested in serving your client as a professional commercial property management company. If you’re concerned about keeping that relationship intact and continuing to serve your client as a real estate professional, we’ll gladly refer them back to you should opportunities arise for future transactions.